Refreshing Together
Chinese Language Education and China Corporate Culture

Collaboration makes us stronger

Language Plaza is a sustainable learning community in Chinese language and culture education and China corporate culture founded by Ms Kitty Miao. Located in the south of the Netherlands, Language Plaza can easily stretch out to Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and also China.

     Ms Miao graduated from Beijing Normal University (cum laude) and moved to the Netherlands in the 90s from Shenzhen (China). She obtained her Master study diploma in MCD (management of cultural diversity) at Tilburg University, and then got her teaching diploma at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven. As of 2005, Kitty has helped hundreds of students and dozens of companies in their development through China Business Improvement company and China Bridge language and culture school she founded and managed.

     Apart from delivering high quality Chinese courses and training, Language Plaza strives for building up a learning community for people who pursue lifelong learning in any language and culture, hence not only for Chinese language and culture.

     There is a long way to go, step by step, we keep going.

     We would like to go together with you:

          Schools and companies,
          Language, Culture and Research Institutes,
          Learning related parties...

We look forward to meeting you.

Support Language Plaza

Volunteers are a highly valued part of Language Plaza.

     Event volunteer: to support the activities hosted by Language Plaza.

     Publicity volunteer: to support in gaining public attention.

     Proofreading volunteer: to support for reviewing the texts in English and Dutch.

Volunteers may engage in long-term or short-term roles and projects.

We look forward to meeting you.